Story smiling pics

I’m really slacking at blogging.  Adding a kid to your family is hard.  Adding a 23 month old sick kid to your family is really hard.


Each day I think of something I want to blog about and each day I don’t end up finding time to do it.


I figure you people might like to see some pics, so I’ll at least try and post some of those even if I don’t get time to write about all the joy of having her home!



This is when I was there 3 weeks ago.  Yes she is standing.  No, she is still not doing this at home.  We are all concerned.  Doctors are concerned.  No one knows why she won’t stand or walk.  It is weird.  We go back to doctor Monday and begin more tests.  This poor baby.



This was in the hospital and one of the first smiles that we ever saw.  Isn’t it beautiful!  Every time people ask how she is doing these days I tell them that each day we have a few more smiles and a few less cries.  🙂



This was Thursday when we were in the hospital all day having bone scans and xrays’ done.  She was so happy for a while back there in the waiting room, then she was so mad.  It was weird.



Here’s my first picture with all my children (that are home)!!  Mom had taken Cayden to this football game and they came back on Sat afternoon to visit.  I see this and see a look of exhaustion in my eyes.  I have the same clothes on that I left Haiti in!  Look at how Cayden has his hand on her shoulder.  He is becoming such a little helper with Story.  I remember over the time we were in the hospital every time they would leave to go home for the night with Aaron, Cayden would smile real big and say “i can’t believe Story is really here!”.  It was super sweet.

3 responses to “Story smiling pics

  1. praying for you guys! oh how I KNOW how hard the transition can be w/ a young sick one!!!! Praying for Story’s complete healing! And for what it’s worth, you look beautiful, and your kids look delighted! : )

    love you guys!

  2. Love you, Ivey’s!

    Oh my GOODNESS, transition is hard. It is a strange mix of utter excitement, and utter disappointment, and utter pain, and utter joy, and utter love and utter exhaustion.

    I’m praying for each of you. Story is watching and understanding in the middle of her grief. God is comforting her heart with each hug and kiss and cuddle and moment. I am praying for your heart and Aaron’s heart as you watch the fear and pain in your daughter. I know – IT IS SO HARD.

    And at the same time – so wonderful. Day at a time … day at a time.

  3. I love your family photo and the sweetness amidst the suffering. One day at a time!

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