In the past few years Aaron and I have been dreaming big dreams for something.  We talk about it lots.  We dream about it lots and it seems to be something that we can never do.  It’s that thing in your life that you want to do so badly, but it seems ridiculous and way out of your reach.  It’s that thing that you sit and talk about it and you wonder if just maybe you could pull this off.

I want to get to the end of my life and know that I did something.  To know that I helped at least one person.  To know that I did all I could do while I was here.  When we leave, life is grand and we’re with Jesus for eternity, but I want what I did here on earth to matter.

If I could dream up something really big it would be a place for single mom’s to get their feet back on the ground.  To get their life back together.  Aaron and I have visions of a place where a mom can come and live with her children and learn to do life again.  She can have a safe place to call home.  She can have people that love her and her kids unconditionally no matter what.  She can allow her heart to be mended by people and most importantly by God.

Aaron and I would love to buy some land outside of Austin and go with our dreams.  You see how big this seems to us.  Land.  A house for us.  A house for our guests and children.  Another host family house.  A library/computer room.  A rec room for guests.  A play area for kids.  A studio for Aaron.  Oh our dreams could go on for pages as to what we want to do for these woman and their kids.

I love to dream.  Sometimes I can dream and never do.  I just dream and dream and dream.  I am praying to DO something soon.  I want to DO this.

Mercy Village – a place to start fresh.

8 responses to “BIG DREAMS

  1. Hey-
    Are we running together in October? Give me the scoop when you get time.

  2. Wow! What an amazing dream. My sister was a single mom at a young age and something like this would have changed her life. I want to hear more . . .

  3. Kristi Marshall

    Our Maternity Home can be your prototype- we are scheduled to have women there in September!?!? Yikes but YAY!!!!!

  4. Dieula Previlon

    What a great DREAM Jaime?!! You know what dreams come from this place where our soul gets on board with God’s purpose for our life. If money were no object I could see this dream being a reality for you and your family and giving God all the Glory in return. Keep aligning yourself with the dream giver and this won’t simply be a dream but your alter to worship Jesus.

  5. Love your dream! Also love the idea of sponsoring pallets to Haiti. I am inspired!


  6. Hello Jamie,

    Girl, Dream and Dream BIG!!! God, our God is a God of BIG Dreams and only HE can make them happen in a Gigantic WAY!

    I have had a lady who is 50 and her daughter, 12 yrs live with me for the last 6 months. This kind of place you are talking about would have helped her find the skills to support herself and her child. When I took her in everyone told me, including my children, that I was crazy. “What are you thinking?” Most people find it very hard to “take in” people that need help and actually have them live with you. But I am hear to tell you it has been a true blessing! This lady has found Peace, comfort and joy. She now has a dream. A dream to make a better life for herself and her child. Praise God!!! That is what you, Jamie can and will face if you dream BIG and let God lead!!

    Go for It!!

  7. Jamie, you should see my post..
    it has writings from George Mueller. My favorite part was this:

    “On December 5th, however, the subject of my prayer all at once became different. I was reading Psalm 1xxxi., and was particularly struck, more than at any time before, with verse 10: “Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” I thought a few moments about these words and then was led to apply them to the case of the Orphan-House. It struck me that I had never asked the Lord for anything concerning it, except to know His will, respecting its being established or not; and I then fell on my knees and opened my mouth wide, asking Him for much. I asked in submission to His will, and without fixing a time when He should answer my petition.”

    God answered his prayers and provided for all that was needed to live his dream! So cool. Just believe and have faith and if it’s God’s will He will make it happen.

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